Friday, May 11, 2012

Maeve is napping. SUCCESS! And I don't want to wake her up by cleaning (duh!) so I have to do something relatively quiet for the next few minutes until she's up.

Hmmm. What should that be??

So, I'm here. Hello, out there!

Not a whole lot is going on today. Ok, that's not true. I scored big in the Frugal Department and I'm just a little bit stoked about it. First, I found a small two-drawer file cabinet on Craigslist. It's yellow. YELLOW. Total awesomeness. So, in addition to getting organized in that 'we should have done this 2 months after we were married, not two years' kind of way, we now have the coooooolest file cabinet/end table you could want. I'll post pics once it has settled in to its new home.

Secondly, while at the grocery store I perused the rotting fruit/veg section. Maybe "rotting" is the wrong term. But as far as the store is concerned it is a) less than perfect b) decomposing at an accelerated rate so c) you better cook this shizzle today if you plan to actually ingest it.

This is my new favorite game. I love the "reduced for quick sale" fruits and vegetables. I try new things and get to experiment for half the price. I also buy things that I love and was probably going to buy anyway. Like, bell peppers. There seems like there are always bell peppers in the reduced section. I'll put peppers in just about anything these days. Hell, I cooked my hubby a carrot cake for his birthday. a CAKE. Not so long ago that might have been a dealbreaker for me. But this is love. We do crazy things for love. Like bake vegetables in a cake.

But I digress. Here is my bounty: I found 1 lb of basil for $1.00. You know those little packs that are like 3.99? I got like 4 of them for a buck! INSANE!!! Now, at the moment, I do not have a reliable blender so pesto was out. (Also, FYI: pine nuts are super expensive. Who knew?) I had to get my creative juices flowing because everywhere I looked I found pesto recipes. But I finally found some yummy alternatives. Basil Butter, for instance (Think garlic bread or an awesome char-grilled steak!). And Basil Strawberry margaritas. Yes, please!

So, that is pretty much the height of my week. After starting it off by finding out I didn't get a job I'd interviewed for, things perked up. And to celebrate, I will be having a delicious Basil Strawberry Margarita. I hope happy hour comes your way soon, too! Happy Weekend :)

ps: here's the marg recipe, if you're interested: Strawberry Basil Margaritas

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