Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sooooo, its been a while. Things got a little crazy for us in the Spring. Enough said.

I'm sitting here listening to Maeve not nap. She's alternately groaning and moaning and cooing and jumping in her bed. In the face of this, I was thinking about all the remarkable things she is doing lately. Here is a short, and in my biased opinion, AMAZING list:

1) She does animal sounds. Like, a LOT of animal sounds. In fact, she is making them from her bedroom right. NOW. Sigh. She can do a bear, lion, owl, dog, bird, sheep, cow, and occasionally a monkey. The monkey is a little dicey and mostly consists of her screeching. But, you know, its monkey-like.

2) She signs like a sass-pot (how in the WORLD do you spell sasspot?). When she wants "more" and we're slow about dishing it out, we get the slowed down hand slam of a "more" sign with an accompanying angry stare. Soooooo much personality in this one. She also does "hungry", "milk", "bread", "cheese", "strawberry", "bath", "all done".  It's amazing how fast she picks up the signs for things she likes, as you can see from her list.

3) She's working really hard on speaking. She has been saying what sounded like "goo doy goo doy" over and over again for literally months. What I've figured out is that this - her first word! - is meant to be "good girl." Do you think that says anything about my parenting?? Maybe I'm a little heavy on the positive reinforcement. Yeahhhhh. She is also saying "duck" at bath time and she's working on "all done." And of course, "mama" and "dada." So, for anyone who thought the signing was a bad idea (let's just say I've gotten feedback about it and in some cases it was from COMPLETE strangers) Maeve is a brilliant little being who can talk AND communicate.

And not nap. For serious? I guess we're going to call that an hour of "quiet time" that wasn't so quiet. Guess I'm showering later. Duty calls!

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