Most people depart for work or the store, etc by saying "I love you" or "See you later" or "Have a good one" or even "Take Care." The other morning, I had a different goodbye experience. Let me paint you a picture...
It's a grey morning, some remnant fog is still hanging in the air. Scott is scurrying around our apartment getting the last of his things into his bag for school. We have a brief kiss, a "love you! have a good day. I'll see you tonight" exchange. Maeve and I stand on the porch since it is warm out and watch him hop into the car. Then...he pulls a k-turn. School is now in the opposite direction. He rolls the window down (okay, he powers the window down. I mean who "rolls" anymore, right?) and yells out to me,
"Look at this bird poop! What the hell is wrong with this bird? He must have had avian diarrhea. Sheesh."
And up the window goes. And off he drives. I puzzle as his tail lights disappear. I certainly hope this romantic sentiment is not the last thing that will be said between us. These words, regardless, may live in infamy. Thank you ever so much for sharing, darling. I will love you forever, too.
Best last words ever!