Friday, July 29, 2011


My gorgeous daughter loves raspberries. Not the red, delicious summer treat that is just out of season now. The kind where you purse your lips together, stick your tongue through the middle and blow.

It was cute. For a while.

Now, she does it almost constantly. And since I'm home alone, I've tried to make it entertaining by asking her some of the questions that might plague me on a given day.

Me: "Maeve, what do you think about the long term prospects for resolving our debt crisis?"
Maeve: (raspberry)

Me: "Brazil seems to have a pretty casual attitude about its infrastructure problems with both the World Cup and Olympics coming in the next 5 years. Do you think they'll be ready?"
Maeve: (raspberry)

Me: "Hey, the NFL Lockout is over. Are you excited about this season?"
Maeve: (raspberry)

Me: "Knowing what we know now, would you ever rob Alex Trebek?
Maeve: (raspberry)
Me: "Yeah. Me, either."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

First Post!

So, where to start? Goals? Hmm, goals. Basically, writing a novel is on my bucket list and I felt I needed some practice. And at the moment, I'm a stay-at-home mom so I need a hobby. Badly. Enter...blogging.

I have a beautiful daughter who does loads of hilarious stuff and my husband makes me laugh just about everyday. I think that humor is in how you see things and I'd like to think I have pretty funny outlook. I hope this blog serves as an outlet for me that provides some entertainment for others. That's how I roll.